Day 6
Monday, 15 December 2008
JYC Days 5 to 13
Friday, 12 December 2008
I haven't given up JYC
Friday, 5 December 2008
JYC Day 4
This Lo was done on the PC as I was going for the perfect magazine look to go with the title. I added a few little extras when I put into the album. The photo isn't very clear so I have also added the pic of the of it before a glued it into my album.
The words on it say...
As long as I can spend my Christmas with my Mum and with close friends it will be perfect, but a few other little things can add that extra special perfection. Like a lovely tree, beautiful decorations, roast chestnuts, a Starbucks gingerbread latté and snow would be nice.
Thursday, 4 December 2008
JYC Day 3
I don’t send a lot of cards and none of them have to be posted. I have a couple of friends that live away off, but we send each other E-cards.
For the last two years I have made an effect to make my own Christmas cards. I really enjoy doing this and love seeing friends and families faces when they see my creations. I was very organised this year and all my cards where done my the end of November although I still need to print out all the inserts with a Christmas greeting on. This makes writing them easy as the laborious bit is done on the PC and I just have to do the To and From bit not forgetting the XXXX.
Tuesday, 2 December 2008
JYC days 1 and 2 and advent box
Friday, 28 November 2008
Getting in the mood

Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Its nearly time to start

If you fancy joining us then please come on over to Shimelle's "Journal your Christmas" and join the fun.
Sunday, 23 November 2008
Here's the last lot
Thursday, 20 November 2008
As promised
Now for those of you who are not to sure whether your allowed to be Christmasy yet...
Sunday, 16 November 2008
I'm on a roll at the moment,
Also if you are interested inspirational craft blog are looking for new team members just click on the link and if you are interested you just have to leave a comment and a link to your blog and the winners will be announced on the 30th Nov.
Wednesday, 12 November 2008
Up to my armpits in Bl**dy matches!!
As soon as they are done I will post some pics.
Below is a picture of the Christmas card I have made for my Mum. I really hope she likes it.
Monday, 10 November 2008
A Crafty Weekend
I have also joined Shimelles Journal your Christmas class which I'm itching to start. I have never done anything like this before the only online classes I have done have been cyber crops on UKS. The fact that its a journal is daunting and a little scary. As I told you all when I started this blog writing is not my strong point as Im dyslexic. writing on the PC isn't to bad, but by hand...argggggg, Oh well in for a penny in for a pound!
Here is a pic of the lovely Christmasy stash I have bought to do the journal with.
Friday, 31 October 2008
24hr pink booby crop
Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Still on the subject of Christmas as promised here is a small collection of some of the Christmas cards I have made to date. I'm still in the middle of doing them so more to follow.
Monday, 27 October 2008
Its half term holidays
last week on the Thursday before I broke up for a very long awaited holiday I did a craft day with a group of the college students. I was teaching them how to make memory (exploding) boxes, which as you can imagine is not easy working in inches with a group of teenagers who think inches are something that cave men Anyway I decided I would have to change the measurements to cm. So after some experiments I did it and it is so much easier then working in inches. I can now make boxes in a variety of sizes.
Bellow is a box I made from A4 card to use as an example for the student.
Here are the instructions and measurements for a box using A4 and 12x12 card stock. From these measurements you can see just how easy it is to scale it down more.
Big Box
You will need 4 sheets of 12inch x 12inch card stock 3 sheets for the box and one for the lid. First sheet measures 30cm x 30cm then divide into 3 x 10cms vertically and horizontally.
Then cut the 4 corner squares away. Second sheet measures 28.5 x 28.5 then divide into 3 x 9.5cms vertically and horizontally. Then cut the 4 corner squares away. Third sheet measures 27 x27cms then divide into 3 x 9 cms vertically and horizontally. Then cut the 4 corner squares away. Fourth sheet is the lid measure 17.5 x17.5 square.
Then score all 4 sides in 3.5cm in. TURN YOUR CARD OVER and score from the tip of each corner, diagonally, until you meet your scored “corner” lines. You can decorate as you wish.
First sheet measures 21cm x 21cm then divide into 3 x 7cms.
Second sheet measures 19.5 x 19.5 then divide into 3 x 6.5cms. Third sheet measures 18 x 18cms then divide into 3 x 6 cms. Fourth sheet is the lid measure 15 x 15 square. Then score all 4 sides 3.5cm in.