I'm doing catch up on last mths and this mths scrapping which has all taken place at the monthly Warrington crop as I just haven't had chance to do any at home, in fact when I went to the crop this mth I didn't even have to pack my bags as they where still packed from last month...Terrible I know!
The Crop is organised by Sarah and Lianne from Sarah's Cards and they do a wonderful job of looking after us, they also put together a LO kit each month which you can choose to buy at the crop. All the papers and embellishments I have used are from Sarah some where purchased at the crop or are from Sarah's fab monthly kits which are such good value for money.

My other very exciting news is that I have booked to go on the Sarah's Cards retreat in March 2010 I'm so looking forward to it I have never been on a scrapping retreat before the lure of a 4 star hotel is just as exciting as a weekend of scrapping. So roll on next March (-:
Hope u all have good Easter break.