At last I have found the time to catch up with my Blog. Life seems to have been a little hectic I don't really know why its just one of those things. We have had no heating or hot water for the last three weeks, but today is new boiler day and I have bagsied the first bath when its all done...Oh don't get me wrong I haven't gone three wks without a wash or shower thanks to the shower at work. The men are here as I type I can hardly contain my excitement at having hot water and central heating again...Goodbye thick blankets and over sized hand knitted cardigans hello and welcome back shorts and T Shirts.
I'm doing catch up on last mths and this mths scrapping which has all taken place at the monthly Warrington crop as I just haven't had chance to do any at home, in fact when I went to the crop this mth I didn't even have to pack my bags as they where still packed from last month...Terrible I know!
The Crop is organised by Sarah and Lianne from
Sarah's Cards and they do a wonderful job of looking after us, they also put together a LO kit each month which you can choose to buy at the crop. All the papers and embellishments I have used are from Sarah some where purchased at the crop or are from Sarah's fab monthly kits which are such good value for money.

These First 2 Los where done using the Crop LO kit
LO of my friends great niece. I used the papers from this month Kit
Thanks Cal for title for this one
These Last 3 LOs or for my friends son's 18th albumThere are done in A4 formatMy other very exciting news is that I have booked to go on the Sarah's Cards retreat in March 2010 I'm so looking forward to it I have never been on a scrapping retreat before the lure of a 4 star hotel is just as exciting as a weekend of scrapping. So roll on next March (-:
Hope u all have good Easter break.